Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust
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AGM and Members' Meeting

Monday 23 September 2024

We’re trying something new this year! 

We want to give our Members a better opportunity to meet the trustees and discuss matters of interest than the present format of the AGM allows. 

We will therefore be holding a Members’ Meeting immediately before this year’s AGM, starting at 6.30pm.  This will showcase our new Retrofit Guidance, as well as giving good time for Members questions. 

The formal business of the AGM will then follow at 7.30pm, and we hope to complete by around 8pm.

We very much look forward to meeting you on the 23rd September at the Free Church Hall.  If you are not already a Member, you can easily join on-line via our website at www.hgstrust.org/membership

Past events:

HGS Trust Winter Lecture


Join us for the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust Winter Lecture to learn how our changing climate affects the health of our existing trees, and the choices we make when planting for the future.

Our special guest speakers:

Keith Sacre, Barcham Trees

Barcham Trees is the largest container tree nursery in Europe. Keith came to the industry following several years managing and developing public open space in the local authority sector. Keith will speak about different species, age, size, genetics, and what trees we should be looking at in the future.

Dr. Samantha Dobbie, BiFoR

Samantha is the Learning & Engagement Lead for the Birmingham Institute for Forest Research (BiFoR). She will speak about one of the world's largest climate change experiments taking place in a mature oak forest in Staffordshire. The decade-long experiment involves pumping CO2 around trees in the forest to simulate the levels predicted by 2050, and monitoring the trees' responses, giving insight into how our mature trees will respond to increased levels of carbon in the atmosphere.

Join us at the Henrietta Barnett School main hall from 6pm on Tuesday 27 February for light refreshments ahead of the talk which will commence at 6.30pm.

Please let us know if you would like to attend via mail@hgstrust.org or 0208 455 1066


The Trust's 2023 AGM will be held at the Free Church Hall, Northway, on Wednesday 20 September at 8pm.

Formal business will commence at 8.00pm but the doors will be open from 7.30pm, allowing a period for informal conversation over light refreshments before the formal business of the evening.

Details of the meeting and how to attend are set out in the formal notice downloadable here. Please see the linked PDF for the full AGM notice along with the two Special Resolutions which will be voted for at the meeting itself. Copies of this notice have now been sent by post, along with this year's annual report and accounts, to all registered Members of the Trust.

If you are not yet a Member and wish to join before the AGM, please fill in our simple membership form to join today.

This year's HGS Trust Members' Winter Lecture will be:

Neo-Georgian Architecture:
Survival or revival in the twentieth century

Delivered by Dr. J. Holder, University of Oxford

7pm, Tuesday 13 December 2022,
Henrietta Barnett School, Central Square.
Refreshments provided.

We are delighted to have Dr Holder delivering this year's event, and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. Dr Holder's recent books cover Arts and Crafts architecture, as well as the subject of this year's lecture.

This event is FREE to all HGS Trust Members, and we have sent personal invitations to each member by post. If you have not received one, please contact us via mail@hgstrust.org or 0208 455 1066 as your membership may have expired.

Membership is free and open to all residents of Hampstead Garden Suburb. It is not connected to property ownership, and is separate to payment of the management charge or ground rent.

Non-members are welcome to attend this event, but we will make a charge of £5 on the door per attendee.

If you are not currently a member and would like to become one, please download a membership form from this page, or you can sign up on the door.

This year's HGS Trust Members' Winter Lecture will be held at the Henrietta Barnett School on Monday 13 December starting at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

"George Cadbury and Bournville Village Trust"

A talk by Duncan Cadbury, former Chair and Trustee of the Bournville Village Trust.

The first section of this illustrated talk will focus on George Cadbury’s early years, his family, where he lived and his introduction to the chocolate business.

Duncan will then talk about some of George’s activities beyond making chocolate – as philanthropist rather than businessman and as founder of the Bournville Village Trust in 1900.

In the main part of the presentation Duncan will outline the early years of Bournville through to the present time, showing how George’s legacy vision and values live on.

This is a Members' event. Anyone living in Hampstead Garden Suburb can become a Member free of charge. Application forms are online here, and Membership lasts three years. If you'd like to check your Membership status, email us: mail@hgstrust.org 

Elements of Domestic Design - Building Hampstead Garden Suburb (1907-1939)

Visit our month-long exhibition this September:

Fellowship House,
Willifield Way,
London NW11 6YD

6 September - 5 October 2021


Open Tuesdays and Fridays from 2pm to 4pm

or check: http://fellowshiphouse.co.uk/calendar for alternative dates and times when the Eileen Whelan Room is not in use

HGST AGM - Thursday 30 September

This year's Trust AGM will be held on the evening of Thursday 30 September.

We are pleased to be able to hold the event in-person this year, and we will also be streaming the meeting online for those who prefer to use this method.

Full details will be available soon, and Trust Members will receive their invitation along with a copy of this year's Annual Report and Accounts in due course.

This year’s HGS Trust Winter Lecture will be on the subject of:

William Simmonds, Silent heart of the Arts and Crafts movement
and his formative years in Hampstead

We are pleased to welcome Jessica Douglas-Home, who will discuss her book of the same title, and Simmonds’ connections with Hampstead.

Join us for some light refreshments and learn all about the master artist, craftsman and puppet maker.

The event takes place on: 
Monday 4 November 2019
at 7.30pm for an 8pm start
in Bigwood Hall,
Henrietta Barnett School.

RSVP: mail@hgstrust.org / 0208 455 1066

(Please note that this event is being held in Bigwood Hall, which is accessed from Bigwood Road at the opposite end of the school site.)

2019 AGM

This year's HGS Trust AGM will be on Wednesday 11 September 2019. Further information can be found in the notice of the meeting (PDF).

The procedure for election of the elected members of the Trust Council for 2019 is available - click here to download it as a PDF.

2017 HGS Trust Members' Winter Lecture:

Poundbury: An Experiment in New Urbanism

Monday 4 December 2017

The Henrietta Barnett School - main hall

We are pleased to welcome Simon Conibear, who was Estate Director for the Duchy of Cornwall in Dorset and is now Poundbury Development Consultant.

Join us for some light refreshments and learn all about the design principles and development of Poundbury, the urban extension to Dorchester, built to the architectural principles of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales.

All Trust Members welcome / Refreshments will be provided / Doors at 7pm for a 7.30pm start

​Contact us to book your place: mail@hgstrust.org / 0208 455 1066

2016 HGS Trust Members' Winter Lecture:

From the Garden City to the machine à habiter (and back again): the case of Le Corbusier

Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Henrietta Barnett School - main hall

The Trust's life president Dr Mervyn Miller was struck many years ago by the way in which Le Corbusier had studied illustrations of Hampstead Garden Suburb in a German architectural periodical. Miller notes the 1917 Garden Suburb of St Nicholas d'Aliermont outside Dieppe which featured high roofed semi-detached cottages which "would not have been out of place in Letchworth or Hampstead Garden Suburb."

Miller visited Le Corbusier's Garden Suburb at Pessac, outside Bordeaux (pictured, above) in 1990 and again this year. Miller says it was "the first modernist development of its type to be built, with two and three storey houses designed to group into traditional streetscapes."

Join us for our Member's Winter Lecture in which Dr Miller will draw unexpected parallels between the modernist designs of Le Corbusier and our own Garden Suburb.

All Trust Members welcome / Refreshments will be provided / Doors at 7.30pm for an 8pm start

​Contact us to book your place: mail@hgstrust.org / 0208 455 1066

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